
Behavioral Shifts in Presentation Design: The AI Revolution Team
August 14, 2024
 min read
Behavioral Shifts in Presentation Design: The AI RevolutionBehavioral Shifts in Presentation Design: The AI Revolution
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Our research found that 66% of managers are adopting AI tools to enhance worker productivity or improve efficiency, indicating that the use of AI-powered design software will only grow.

From startups to Fortune 500 companies, businesses today rely increasingly upon powerful presentations to stand out in the crowd. The need to put compelling slide decks in front of clients is a given; the question is how to produce them quickly and efficiently with consistent, expert-level results. Pair this need with the reality of leaner teams, and there’s a problem ripe for solving. Luckily, the tools to address this need are already here. Getting from good to great presentations simply requires a shift in how we think about the process of creating them.

In the digital-first landscape of today’s workplace, teams need the ability to make presentations that go way beyond good enough—they need slides that pop. But not everyone is a design expert, so knowledge workers on teams of all kinds—sales, marketing, HR—need to reframe how they approach designing presentations. Traditional presentation software, while still part of the design landscape, often fails to meet the evolving demands of modern professionals who are expected to do less with more. If teams can imagine working with a brilliant designer, then they can realize their ideas and tell visual stories at a new level. Luckily, there’s already a smart collaborative partner they can think and design alongside of., an AI-powered presentation software company, has brought a dream design partner to life by seamlessly integrating advanced design capabilities with a user-friendly interface. As more professionals begin to envision smart design technology as an intelligent, intuitively adaptive coworker, we will see a sea of change in how individuals and teams approach creating presentations. 

The Evolution of Presentation Tools

Presentation tools have undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Early presentations skewed text-heavy and simple, with the aim of delivering information as opposed to engaging the audience. 

As technologies have evolved and as viewers’ attention has demanded more engaging experiences, interactive and visually appealing presentations have become the expectation and the norm. Graphics-based slides began to replace their text-heavy predecessors, making it easier to capture and hold an audience's attention. The AI-enhanced designs of today are more engaging and interactive, transforming slides from mere information carriers to powerful storytelling tools. 

In the work environments of the AI era, productivity tools need to keep pace with the expectations of design quality for audiences—and efficiency for businesses. With smaller teams expected to produce even better results in less time, the need for presentations that stand out and maintain consistent visual branding is greater than ever. According to a McKinsey report, companies with high-performing design practices tend to grow their revenues and shareholder returns at nearly twice the rate of industry counterparts who place less emphasis on design. This trend underscores the dramatic importance of leading with A+ presentation design in today's competitive business landscape.

A New Mindset in Presentation Creation

The businesses outpacing their competitors are the ones approaching presentation creation with a mindset of thought partnership, collaboration, and ease. With its simple-to-use interface and wealth of expert design knowledge, proves the necessity of AI-enhanced tools firsthand by taking the pain and tedium out of presentation creation. First, AI-enhanced tools like demonstrate that presentation quality can be improved exponentially with just a fraction of the effort. also transforms how organizations communicate visually, allowing members within and across teams to produce consistently high-quality assets. The automation of design elements ensures that presentations not only look like they were made by experts, but also adhere to visual brand guidelines effortlessly—no manual adjustments required.

Another significant benefit is the time savings AI-powered design software affords. Our research found that 66% of managers are adopting AI tools to enhance worker productivity or improve efficiency, indicating that the use of AI-powered design software will only grow. It’s true that adopting a new type of software requires some unlearning of old habits. But when people realize their AI design partner will save them hours and hours of work and produce superior results, they will approach the task with less stress and even a dose of enthusiasm.

Responding to Modern Presentation Trends

Modern presentation trends have been heavily influenced by the audience’s need for instant engagement. Photo and video-driven presentations are quickly becoming the norm, reflecting the influence of the short-form, attention-grabbing content omnipresent in social media feeds. Business-to-business communication is increasingly mirroring strategies from consumer marketing, emphasizing the need for dynamic and engaging content anywhere there’s an audience.

In other trends, dynamic data visualization tools are also gaining popularity; most legacy presentation software can’t render data dynamically in an efficient way, if at all. There's also been a noticeable shift away from static, visually busy slides toward minimalistic and interactive presentation designs, a style that’s proven to be more effective in maintaining audience engagement. Smart presentation software makes it far easier to adapt to both trends with ease.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Despite the clear advantages of using AI-powered design software, there will always be some resistance to adopting new tools. One roadblock is the perception that using a legacy tool like PowerPoint is “free” as part of existing contracts, a belief that overlooks the less apparent costs of inefficiency and subpar presentation quality. In addition, people can be reluctant to learn new ways of doing things and mastering new tools. As new users will quickly discover, though, the value of learning to use a tool like is in the results: once they see the streamlined, on-brand work they create in no time at all, they’ll wonder why they didn’t start using AI-powered software sooner.’s Unique Position

The purpose of is not to kill PowerPoint. Rather, it exists to complement the broader ecosystem of productivity and communication tools by making the design process easier, faster, and better. fits seamlessly into existing workflows, enhancing and not necessarily replacing traditional tools. This unique positioning is further reinforced by strategic partnerships, such as being selected as HP’s presentation software for super-powered AI PCs. Integrating into HP’s newest generation of laptops exemplifies how AI-enhanced tools can elevate productivity, enabling users to focus on turning their ideas into visually compelling stories—and hitting their business goals.

A Leap Into the Future of Presentation Design

AI-enhanced presentation design software like is setting new standards for design, making streamlined, on-brand work the new norm. As AI continues to evolve, its impact on presentation creation will only grow, driving further behavioral shifts in how we think about and create presentations. Embracing these tools not only greatly enhances productivity, but also ensures that businesses can effectively capture and maintain their audience's attention. This new direction reflects a broader shift in the use of presentations, which have gone from being “nice-to-haves” to becoming the primary public face for pitches, data presentations, and new business outreach.

Meet a better presentation maker. Embrace the future of presentation design with Team Team is an AI-powered presentation tool that makes it fast and easy for anyone to build clean, modern and professionally designed slides that they can be proud of.

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