
Presentation Statistics You Should Know For Your Business in 2022

Jordan Turner
March 3, 2022
 min read
Presentation Statistics You Should Know For Your Business in 2022Presentation Statistics You Should Know For Your Business in 2022
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There are a lot of pain points when it comes to presentations, but the good news is that you’re not alone in your struggle. Even the most seasoned designers run into snags when it comes to creating and collaborating on presentations. PowerPoint alternatives can help businesses streamline their presentation creation process but there are still unique nuances for each team. 

To better understand people’s presentation patterns, we conducted two surveys; the first with 500 participants and the second with 400. This information is valuable in understanding how your team is creating presentations, and what challenges they're up against. 

Presentation statistics you know know in 2022

Keep the following statistics in mind when you sit down to create your next business presentation.

53% of people are designing entire presentations on behalf of their colleagues and peers.

With 53% of people designing entire presentations for their peers, and 31% creating templates for others to use, it tells us that not all upper-level management and executives have the time (or skills) to create presentations from scratch. Using a presentation software with pre-built templates and Smart Slides can help eliminate some of the marketing bottleneck, making it easier for leadership to create their own decks. 

Over 60% of people interviewed said they create or work in templates with their peers.

Templates can be an easy solution for simplifying the presentation design process. In fact, many teams will create Team Templates and collaborate with colleagues on the content within a slide. Having a centralized Team Library unlocks a more seamless collaboration process so that everyone on the team can access presentations and slides, and customize them for their departmental needs. 

The majority of people will collaborate with their direct teammates on a  presentation.

Collaboration is a major part of the presentation process, and our survey revealed that most people work in tandem on a deck with their direct teammates. To make collaboration more efficient, teams would benefit from a collaborative workspace where their presentations are saved on the cloud and stakeholders could sync-up and sign off in real time.

On the same note, those who collaborate with direct teammates should implement a layer of content and branding control. With a Team plan, owners can limit who can create templates or access sensitive slides.

The biggest hurdles when collaborating are contributors’ workflows, communication, and version control.

You’ve heard the saying, “too many cooks in the kitchen”. Well it applies to presentations, too. The more people you have working on a deck at once, the harder it can be to coordinate content. For teams collaborating on presentations, respondents said that they are equally troubled by their peer’s workflows, communication, and version control. A collaborative workspace that allows teams to leave comments and provide feedback in real time without having to wait for approvals or dig through lengthy email chains can help eliminate those challenges. 

71% of people use their company branding in presentations, yet 66% still struggle with the design.

Giving your team brand standards alone isn’t enough if they don’t have the design skills to back it up. The majority of businesses will include company branding in presentations (and rightfully so), but still need help nailing the design. In these cases, pre-built Team Templates and Themes can help teams create slides in half the time while staying visually consistent from deck-to-deck. 

67% of presenters say the biggest challenge when creating presentations is the deck design. 

It’s no secret that presentations can be a challenge for non-designers. Creating an entire deck from scratch can be a daunting task. More than half of those surveyed struggle with presentation design. Additionally, 41% of people find it difficult to source inspiration for their presentations, ultimately delaying their work. A PowerPoint alternative— like— can help non-designers get started with things like templates and inspiration galleries. 

Once presenters land on a presentation template, they can customize our Smart Slides and plug and play with their own content. The Smart Slides handle the heavy lifting so designers don’t have to worry about things like formatting and resizing. 

79% of people find design inspiration in presentation tool examples.

The majority of presenters use examples within presentation tools to help get them started, like pre-built templates and inspiration galleries. Instead of staring at a blank slide for an hour trying to figure out where to take your story, templates can help get you started whether they’re from internal company libraries or galleries curated by professional designers.

60% of presenters started with a template the last time they used PowerPoint or Google Slides, but still didn’t feel confident in their work.

While templates are a great starting point, they can really only get you so far. Presentation tools like make it easy to customize pre-built templates with design guardrails in place so it is virtually impossible to make a mess of your work. Templates will kick off your deck, and Smart Slides will take you the rest of the way so you can be proud of what you present. Get started today.

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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