Paciolan Uses for the "Wow" Factor

“When the team saw what they could do with, it made sense to make the switch.”

Paciolan’s world-class ticketing, marketing and fundraising solutions power over 500 live entertainment organizations, selling 120 million+ tickets each year. Their team has transformed deck creation and collaboration with 

Once a PowerPoint organization, the team at Paciolan began searching for a sleeker, more sophisticated tool to transform their slides and deck-making process. With, they found an easy-to-use system to level up their presentation game.

We met with Brenda Ramsey, Creative Director at Paciolan, to learn more about how the team leverages

“The time savings with has been huge. I would say anywhere from 50-75% reduction in time. We could have the sales team or other people help with slides, we don’t need a designer on hand every minute.”

Brenda Ramsey, Creative Director, Paciolan

Saving time and lightening designer workload

Whether it’s your designers, marketing team, or sales associates creating a slide for a presentation,’s features help to format slides, edit copy, and facilitate collaboration with status updates and live comments.

Brand control features help Paciolan empower every team member with storytelling abilities. With, the presentation design process is enhanced– democratizing the ability to create professional and engaging slides and freeing the creative team to do more work where needed. 

“It’s definitely helped level up our presentations, it has made our people more confident in creating slides and decks,” said Brenda. “We can let the sales team, if they need to create a slide, they can without coming to us and I feel confident as a creative director that the slides are going to look good.” 

Creating slides with the wow factor

The immediate response to Paciolan’s first deck? Wow. The executive team was blown away by the very first slide. When the team saw what they could do with, it made sense to make the switch. 

Today, the team at Paciolan can create strong slides from the start, with features that help teams move more efficiently with less friction. 

“The team collaboration has definitely improved. Product team is working on their slides, marketing team is working on theirs, and we can collaborate and be on the same page, literally, and know it’s getting updated.” Brenda Ramsey, Creative Director, Paciolan

Features that streamline and unite

Being able to create Shared Slides and know they’re going to update across the board has saved the Paciolan countless hours on brand control and consistency checks. 

Another feature they’ve enjoyed is the writing assist feature. “Before, when we were in PowerPoint, we would often have people try to put a full page of text onto a slide. With the assistant, we can have it narrow the text down, shorten it, set the tone. Everyone writes differently and we wanted to make sure it read like it was coming from the same person.”

Slide status and search features also help the team locate and know slide progress quickly. Comment features and software integrations help to connect each team member with slide improvements and edits seamlessly.

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