Product Updates

Revise, Review, Repeat: New Updates

Claire Hudes
 min read
Revise, Review, Repeat: New UpdatesRevise, Review, Repeat: New Updates
Table of Contents

In the increasingly collaborative workplace, we understand that the path to your final presentation isn’t always linear. Your content can be sent around to colleagues, altered, collaborated on, reworked, and reverted back again—all before lunch. Tracking all these edits can be difficult, so is helping make your editing process as smooth as possible!

Today, we’re going to talk about three methods for controlling your revisions; each offering a higher level of control than the last!

Easy come, easy go (back)

Need a quick fix for improperly pasted text? A switch back to the previous order of your elements? Just Undo! As you’d expect, just press Cmd + Z on a Mac, or Ctrl + Z on a PC. Easy!


You can even Undo deleting a slide.

A revival is always in style

If you mistakenly deleted one too many slides, we’re giving you a handy way to easily bring them back. It’s not magic, but it’s pretty darn close! You can now retrieve any of your deleted slides by clicking the the “Organize” button, then the aptly-named “Deleted Slides” button. This shows you your archive of deleted slides and let’s you recover any that you need again. If you want to give those slides a second chance, this button has you covered!


The slides you recover will be added back at the end of your deck.

Because everyone loves a comeback story

Each slide’s revision history is now accessible and can be revised at any point! If you want a slide to revert back to a past state, the “Slide History” button will help you turn back the hands of time and go back to any version in the slide’s past.


To access a slide’s history, click this button!

revision 3.3

Go back to any version of your slide.

If you’re collaborating on a presentation with multiple colleagues, you can also see what changes each person makes, and when, in the "Slide History" section.


Keep calm and collaborate!

As always, we love giving you more of what you want with each new update! Change is inevitable, so we hope these features will make it even easier for you to adjust your ideas and content—beautifully, of course!

Claire Hudes

Claire Hudes

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