Presentation Tips

5 Unexpected Ways You Could Be Using's AI Writing Tool 

Jordan Turner
September 26, 2024
 min read
5 Unexpected Ways You Could Be Using's AI Writing Tool 5 Unexpected Ways You Could Be Using's AI Writing Tool 
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You might know the right thing to say, but you don’t know the right way to write it. Luckily with the rise of artificial intelligence, better communication is more accessible to everyone. Generative AI tools— like ChatGPT and— give teams the creative copywriting skills they need without the professional experience to back it up. 

Leveraging’s AI assistant for better content

Our AI writing tool uses artificial intelligence to rework your copy so you can craft the perfect message, faster. Think of it as your own personal wordsmith in your backpocket to help you structure your thoughts, adjust your tone, and refine your content. The generative text feature inspires a more impactful message in half the time, so teams can focus on their story instead of worrying about their tone of voice sounding right.  

Here’s how our AI assistant can help you reframe your story to pack a bigger punch; 

  • Rewrite
  • Make it simpler
  • Shorten
  • Lengthen
  • Adjust the tone
  • Add a custom prompt

5 Unexpected ways you should be using our AI writing tool

The use cases for our AI writing tool are countless. Here are 5 unexpected ways you can (and should) be using AI to craft a better message. 

1.  Generate more contextual content

There’s nothing worse than hitting a writer’s block when you’re on a deadline. You know what you need to say, but you don’t know how to say it. Or maybe you have a strong headline, but don’t know where to take the copy on the slide. Instead of staring at a blank slide and spinning your wheels, let the AI assistant generate an outline for you. You can use prompts like “create a bulleted list for XYZ” or “summarize this idea in digestible chunks” to help get you started. 

Pro tip: Our AI assistant can generate content pulling context from your slide. If you already have something written, or have data in a chart, it can generate more copy based on the information already there. This helps build your slide with you as you add in ideas. 

2. Reimagine your copy to fit your audience

The AI assistant helps bridge the gap between different levels of expertise making it easy to present to anyone. If you have complex information on your slide, and are presenting to someone who is not privy to the topic, AI can help summarize or rewrite the technical language to layman’s terms. 

A highly underrated aspect of a presentation is tone of voice. Does your tone match the audience? How you communicate to a CMO may differ from words that resonate with a social media manager. The AI assistant can change the tone and style of your content without starting from scratch. Try asking the AI to write your message in a Shakespearian style, in a professional tone, or to sound like a famous person.

3. Unlock more creative copywriting 

There’s no need to bog down your team’s copywriter— simply ask AI. If you have an idea, but want to make it sound more punchy, you can leverage the AI assistant for more creative copywriting. Use AI to help generate buzz-worthy slide titles and taglines that can be repurposed across various other marketing channels like email subject lines or social media captions. 

4. Communicate in any language

Pitching to a company in France, but you don’t speak French? The AI assistant can help you translate text on your slide to any number of languages using the custom prompt. This allows presenters to overcome language barriers without ever leaving the presentation software. Making those customizations tailored to each unique client gives a more personalized experience, which can help convert prospects into customers. 

5. Summarizing meetings notes into actionable slides’s AI assistant is great at summarizing text into more digestible chunks. Take notes from any meeting and ask the AI writing tool to summarize it in a bulleted list, or short paragraph. Think of it as a “too long, didn’t read” for anyone that couldn’t make the meeting. Having a quick summary allows stakeholders to get caught up, and move forward with next steps faster. 

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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