Presentation Tips

Real Estate Presentations: What Kind of Presentations to Expect and How to Excel

Jordan Turner
March 10, 2021
 min read
Real Estate Presentations: What Kind of Presentations to Expect and How to ExcelReal Estate Presentations: What Kind of Presentations to Expect and How to Excel
Table of Contents

Buying a new home is an exciting process, but it can also be overwhelming if you’re not familiar with the market. Even if you’re a seasoned seller or buyer, real estate is an ever-evolving field. The housing market moves quickly, so sellers, buyers, and their agents have to be fluid and innovative if they want a favorable outcome with a listing. This means that communication between all parties is a key component in any transaction. In many cases, a real estate presentation can be an effective tool to help facilitate communication and educate new clients on processes.

Different types of real estate presentations

A listing presentation

A listing presentation is essentially a real estate agent’s pitch to a new prospective seller. The end goal of a listing presentation is to sign on a new client and represent them in their transactions. This is common for real estate agents looking to secure a new, bigger listing (and commission), whether that be commercial or residential. 

A new build orientation

A new build orientation is like your welcome packet for your new home and community. It might include things like estimated construction time from the builder, what to expect at the design center when you choose your customizations, closing costs and procedures, and move-in best practices. It is likely led by your real estate agent, or the sales manager for the builder on site. 

Rental guide

If you’re not quite ready to commit to buying, renting is a good option when you need to establish your independence. However, it can be a tedious process if you don’t know the nitty-gritty details required to secure a rental in a competitive market. A rental guide, provided by your real estate agent, can help you understand what to expect. 

A real estate marketing presentation

Like any business, real estate agents need to generate buzz about their brokerage services. A real estate marketing presentation can help them sell themselves, and their skills, to prospective clients. In general, it’s a great marketing tool to have in their arsenal for whenever they need it.   

How to nail the presentation and seal the deal

The key to any real estate presentation is to focus on your clients’ needs first and foremost. Much like a successful sales proposal or startup pitch deck, a real estate deck should be persuasive, data-driven, and end with a clear call to action. A real estate presentation template can be useful to help get you started. Keep these six things in mind for your next residential or commercial real estate presentation. 

Introduce yourself

When you’re trying to land a new client, you need to establish trust. If you expect them to put their assets in your hands, they need to feel good about who you are as an agent. Start off your real estate buyer presentation with an introduction to humanize yourself, and the process, and help them feel more comfortable about you and your team.  

Tell the prospective client what sets you apart 

The prospective client could choose any real estate agent that they stumble across on Google, so why should they go with you? What are the benefits of your brokerage? In this section, it’s important to explain how you will sell their property fast, for a good price, and without any hassle. Back up each benefit with a solution to their problem, or examples of how you plan to achieve their goals. 

Walk them through the process

A lot of first time buyers may not know what the sales process looks like, and it’s your job to help them understand. In this section of the real estate buyer presentation, walk them through the process beginning to end, so they know exactly what to expect from you and what they need to deliver along the way. 

Share a market analysis

In any sort of pitch, it’s important to include a competitive market analysis. In a real estate presentation you may include things like months of supply, pricing trends like seasonal median sales prices, or the price ranges from the last decade, number of sales by season, and a round up of annual sales. Real estate can be a numbers game, so it’s crucial to back your pitch with data and statistics. Try using a chart or graph slide template to make your data more digestible and easier to comprehend. 

Put your money where your mouth is

Once you’ve landed a new listing, how do you plan to market it? Between print, digital, and word of mouth marketing, there are a lot of different ways real estate agents can advertise and promote their client’s property. How will you stage the home? What is your photography style? And what sites will you list the home on? These are all things that a prospective client will want to know, and should be included in your presentation. 

Pro tip: make sure the design, and branding, of your presentation is on point, too. At the end of the day, your deck is an extension of your brand and if it’s not professionally designed it may cause a prospect to doubt your marketing skills. Using a PowerPoint alternative, like, can help you look brilliant in half the time. 

Include testimonials from past clients

The proof is in the pudding. Nothing sells your business faster than client success stories. End your presentation with a handful of social shares, or case studies, from past clients and sales to help new prospects get an idea of how you could help them reach their goals. This will make them feel more confident in your services, and will help you with a more successful call to action at the end of your presentation. 

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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